CT Scan Of The Maxilla

  • In settings of maxilla traumatic injury to assess osseous integrity, to detect any maxillofacial bones isolated/complex fractures and exclude the presence of any foreign bodies.
  • It helps to detect maxillary region related soft tissue pathology as neoplasms, vascular malformations and inflammatory conditions.

Patients after traumatic injuries involving the maxilla or maxillary region.

Patients with complaints related to maxilla and maxillary sinuses or suspected neoplastic lesions like facial swelling, nasal obstruction, bleeding, suspected masses on examination, visual/orbital symptoms or features of intra cranial extensions.

Patients after traumatic injuries involving the maxilla or maxillary region.

Patients with complaints related to maxilla and maxillary sinuses or suspected neoplastic lesions like facial swelling, nasal obstruction, bleeding, suspected masses on examination, visual/orbital symptoms or features of intra cranial extensions.

IV contrast administration in inflammatory and neoplastic conditions.

Your physician may request MRI study to get more information about the disease nature and extension.

No preparation needed for the non-contrast study.

Patient should be food fasting 4-6 hrs before the exam in case of contrast enhanced study only. Adequate hydration is needed and recent kidney function test should be available at the time of your examination

CT can scan the maxilla in less than a minute while the patient is lying comfortably on CT table


The examination is done on one of our highly advanced CT machines available in our branches


No after care or precautions needed following non contrast enhanced study.

In case of contrast enhanced study drinking plenty of water is advised to help to wash out the injected IV contrast material out of your body except if you are on fluid balance for renal or cardiac condition you may consult your physician and in case of lactating mothers it is advised to escape lactation for 24 hrs after the contrast injection

In very rare cases some patients may experience contrast allergic reaction after IV contrast injection so if you have any previous history of allergy to IV contrast media it is safer to perform the exam without IV contrast